Welcome to the monster movie month Matthew maintained! This year for October we crack out a few spooky movies and have a little fun with them; well, as much as can be had with some of this crap. We start with the baffling big budget monster film Godzilla (1998). Fresh off the crushing success of Independence Day, Roland Emmerich has made some upgrades! Replacing sexy and charismatic Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum with Matthew Broderick and Hank Azaria. Replacing sexy love interest Vivica A Fox with Maria Pittio. And replacing the heroic Bill Pullman with Michael Learner (playing Mayor Ebert, a reviewer who gave Independence Day a bad review). The only true upgrade was replacing Randy Quaid with Jeno Reno. So let’s get into a Godzilla movie so bad that it saved ToHo productions who made a film where their Godzilla kills this one.