463: Unbreakable (2001)

Welcome to another episode of Myopia Movies! This week, we dive into the thrilling, edge-of-your-seat excitement of Unbreakable. Yes, that’s right, the 2000 classic where Bruce Willis discovers his superpower: looking perpetually confused and slightly bored. 
Join us as we unravel the mystery of how a movie about a guy who can’t get hurt manages to hurt our attention spans. We’ll discuss Samuel L. Jackson’s role as Mr. Glass, a villain whose evil plan involves extensive knowledge of comic books and a truly enviable collection of turtlenecks. 
Get ready to break down every slow-motion scene, every cryptic conversation, and every moment you wondered if M. Night Shyamalan was pulling an elaborate prank on all of us. Is Unbreakable a misunderstood masterpiece or just an elaborate exercise in testing your patience? Tune in and find out!
Don’t miss it!
How will Unbreakable hold up? 
Host: Jon
Panel: Nic, Keiko, Daniel
Director: M. Night Shyamalan
Stars: Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson, Robin Wright